Wednesday 13 October 2010

Meeting 1 08/10/10

Team Inspired

Company: Marks and Spencer

Attending: Beka, Hannah, Roxy, Danielle, Cheryl

Allocated team roles:

Beka - Managing Director - Team Leader, Motivator, Organises team, Helps out where needed

Cheryl - Designer - Inspiration, Translating trends into designs, Creating ranges

Danielle - Technologist - Research new technologies, Research how designs will be produced, Quality control

Roxy - Merchandiser - Market research, Company research, Costings, Logistics

Hannah - Buyer - Research trends, Store visits, Comp. shop, Research target market

Key Points:
  • Creativity
  • Complexity
  • Compromise
  • Choice
  • Market trends
  • Consumer trends
  • Price points
  • Time scales
  • Colourways
  • Fabric weights
  • Production methods
  • Competitor analysis

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