Wednesday 13 October 2010

Project Brief


Project Aim:
  • Produce marketing report for a range of 6 basic (staple) items for high street retailer for a/w 11/12
  • Basic item- produced every year with tweaks to make fashionable - a bestseller
  • Ensure range is exciting and desireable for retailers usual target market i.e. improve brand image
Team Inspired - Marks and Spencer (Colour co-ordinated)
Beka - Managing Director
Hannah - Buyer
Roxy - Merchandiser
Cheryl - Designer
Danielle - Technologist 

Merchandiser / Design manager
  • Determine tasks / goals, who reports to whom and what decisions are to be made
  • Develop a critical path for the activities to be undertaken for the team
  • Lead: direct, co-ordinate and motivate people to do their tasks
  • Undertake market research about the retailer and it's consumers
  • Control: monitor the company's performance against the tasks that were originally set and ensure that deviations from the path are corrected.
  • Research and interpret the fashion trends
  • Contribute to the trend research that the buyers will conduct
  • Develop design specification sheets for the range that will provide the basis of what manufactorers will make up for the retailer
Buyer / sales director
  • Undertake market and / or trend research
  • Develop trend boards to ensure that the range proposed is appropriate for the target customer
Schedule for Project

Week 1 - Introduction:
  • Complete Belbin Test
  • Identify fashion retailers
Week 2 - Project Management:
  • Trend research for a/w 2011/12
  • Market research e.g. target market, company size, history
  • Qualitative, visual and quantitative marketing research  information about retailer's typical customer
  • Devise reporting mechanism and recording of group attendance at meetings and how they have delivered on tasks assigned to them.
Week 3 - Team Motivation / managing conflict issues:
  • Continue to develop project - market research and designs
  • Identify the basic items that your named retailer sells every year
Week 4 - Product development / market analysis / team trends:
  •  Continue project development
Week 5 - Branding / strategic issues / market report:
  • Continue project development
  • Catagorise designs into ranges (6 pieces) 
Week 6 - Range decision:
  • Prepare 2 A4 moodboards illustrating major trends that your retailer may adopt for a/w 2011/12
  • One to show key trends
  • One to display the trends your retailer will use for the range
  • Consider: Who the designs are for, appropriate details and colours, prospective retail price points
 Week 7 - Design work / marketing report surgery:
  • Finalise moodboards and report
  • Designs can be presented in booklet or together as a group
  • Each design must be presented with: Retailer's and team's name, illustration of the product design, the most important elements of your trend research you have incorporated into your designs, appropriate colours and fabric swatches, details such as seam lines button openings/fastenings etc, retail price points
Week 8 -  Design work / marketing report surgery:
  • Continue project development
Week 9 - Presentation Skills:
  • Finalise all work
  • Identify key points to discuss in presentation
  • Develop 'mind map' of presentation 
 Week 10 - Surgery by appointment

Week 11 - Presentations

Week 12 - Hand in market report by 2pm 

75% of grade (Teamwork):
  • Market report (supporting document)
  • 2x A4 moodboards (supporting document)
  • Portfolio of design work (supporting document)
  • Presentation (will be assessed)
25% of grade (Individual):
  • Self reflective log
  • Peer assessments
  • Record of attendance
  • Record of undertaking task

1 comment:

  1. Beka: Just incase you're confused, I'm highlighting all tasks with colours representing people (Beka - Yellow, Hannah - Blue, Roxy - Red, Danielle - Green, Cheryl - Pink)
